CTE Introduces CTRAC8000
Custom Truck & Equipment has introduced the CTRAC8000, a high-payload, low-ground-pressure track vehicle designed to deliver high-capacity cranes and long-reaching aerial devices to job sites you can’t get to on rubber tires. CTE’s universal chassis design, which uses the same frame specifications as a high-capacity truck chassis, is the only easy-mount and dismount track chassis in its class. Any crane/aerial device/truck-mounted equipment requiring a chassis with an 80,000-pound GVWR can be mounted as quickly and easily as factory install. The crane or lift mounted to the CTRAC8000 platform will see no change in the standard lift capacities charts or range diagrams. There is no modification of any kind to the outriggers or critical components, which means you can keep your manufacturer’s warranty in place. CTE maximizes stability with dual bogie wheels to keep even ground contact pressure that improves lateral stability on side slopes, and specially designed cleated grousers give this machine grip and agility on ice and snow. www.cte-equipment.com