The Final 3
Each issue, we ask a fleet professional to share three keys to fleet success.
This issue’s Final 3 participant is Dan Remmert, manager of fleet services for Ameren Illinois Company, a rate-regulated gas and electric utility headquartered in Collinsville, Ill. Remmert oversees a fleet of about 3,300 assets.
#1. Care
“Truly care about your employees. Care about your customer, whether internal or external. Care about the equipment. If you don’t take on a caring mindset in all aspects of the job, you’ll lack the motivation and drive to be the best you can be.”
#2. Commit
“Commit to be the best. My fleet organization probably gets tired of hearing me talk about this, but it’s really important to commit to be the best out there. I have a little saying that I often get razzed about, but it captures what I mean: ‘You don’t wake up in the morning wanting to come in second place.’ So, come in every day with a commitment to be the best, whether you’re pulling an idle report, fixing a truck or talking with customers.”
#3. Execute
“Take action. You can have an MBA or great ideas, but none of it really means anything unless you act and execute your role as fleet manager. Execute the little stuff, and the big stuff will follow.”