Sherman+Reilly PT-3000 Puller/Tensioner
Sherman+Reilly, a Textron Inc. company, has launched the new PT-3000, a single-drum, multipurpose distribution puller/tensioner capable of pulling up to 3,000 pounds overhead and up to 7,500 pounds underground.
Addressing overhead and underground applications, the unit offers a suite of accessories that make the PT-3000 a true workhorse. The frame is outfitted with a curbside motor mount for pilot line winding that utilizes Sherman+Reilly’s Spider System, an integrated set of special equipment, reels, rope and accessories for fast and easy installation of pulling lines with distribution class conductors.
Sherman+Reilly has added an optional hydraulically actuated Pad Mount Transformer Attachment in the underground package to address tough approach angles and allow for optimized setup for underground pulling applications. www.sherman-reilly.com