
Derive Systems Idle Reduction Technology

Derive Efficiency from Derive Systems offers technology that lowers vehicle idle levels by up to 30 percent, significantly reducing fuel costs, increasing miles per gallon and cleaning up a fleet’s carbon footprint by up to 16 percent. Derive Systems has reduced fuel consumption and emissions for Dish Network’s 4,700 fleet vehicles, saving them more than $2 million in fuel spending, or the equivalent of removing about 300 vans from the fleet. In addition, carbon emissions were reduced by over 9,000 tons of CO2, or the equivalent of removing 1,680 cars from the road annually.

Since 2003, Derive Systems has produced fuel savings software that saves both public and private fleets millions of dollars. Independently verified by government labs, the company works with fleet managers to optimize engine calibrations based upon a fleet’s distinct operating environment and practices.

More than 50,000 vehicles on the road are using Derive Efficiency, including fleets from Pepsi, Sears and many law enforcement agencies and government municipalities.


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Utility Fleet Professional

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